Monday, January 23, 2012

Why is there tents?

 On September 17, 2011 there was a movement to bring out a statement, for America to wake up and listen. How these major corporations get these large cuts from the government yet where is this money coming from? How these corporations get help but you don’t see them help back, yet that money could have been used to help lower the unemployment rate. Aren't we broke? Every time I drive down my neighborhood I see these houses abandoned or foreclosed. Remember a large pay off that was given to a corporation that left millions without a home? Every year around the holidays I always go to Washington DC with my friends to give food to the homeless. No I don’t go to the shelters but to this park, and on my way I passed by these tents. I completely forgot that there were people STILL protesting. It was mid-December; I honestly didn't sit there and pay much attention until that day. I knew why, but well I never really followed it. Ironically I don’t see much on the news about this movement as you would think there would be and if there was it was on a negative aspect of it. It originally started in New York in the Liberty Square which spread across the nation. A Movement called Occupy Wall Street, and it’s amazing to see how this movement grew in social media as well. When you think of protesters you picture these liberals with signs, you know your typical hippies. Yet looking at these web sites that follow the protest like Occupy DC or Fightback news makes you realize how many are affected and that their one of us.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

Elections are literally around the corner.
Well a little bio on me before I start rambling on why I lost faith, my name is Jennifer also known as Jennie. I'm a full time teller in Capital One, and no my major isn't accounting nor business, its political science. It’s the easy way for me to avoid law school and to get up the ladder of success in the government. Yeah, I'm that person that admires Hilary Clinton and would dream of working for her in the State Department. The reason why I've lost faith, technically I am a republican but well recently these candidates have been turning me off. And don’t stereotype me as your uptight republican because I am actually pretty liberal. And well I have NO idea who I’ll end up voting for, last thing I want to do is give up on our government but I’m close to it, ironic huh? Like congress, when we almost had a government shutdown. All because these parties wanted to point fingers and make each other look bad. Weeks and weeks of arguments just to kill time just so they didn’t have to make a decision at the end of the day.
Yet we suffer from their poor decisions?
News flash, 2012 and there’s no trust in these candidates, so where does that leave us?